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Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard): “Topology in Graphene Moiré Materials” (3rd talk)
PSSCMP 2019; Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard): "Topology on graphene moiré materials" (3rd talk)
Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard), Quantum Magic in Moiré Lattices
Spin-valley symmetry breaking and Chern insulators in twisted graphene structures - Louk Rademaker
Ashvin Vishwanath Talks About the Border of Quantum Physics and Material Properties
Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard): "From Dirac-Weyl fermions to band topology" (2nd talk)
From topological ground state to skyrmion superconductivity in magic angle... ▸ Ashvin Vishwanath
Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard University) Unifying Competing Orders ....
Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard): "From Dirac-Weyl fermions to band topology" (1st talk)
FRONTIERS OF LIGHT - Talk by Dr. Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard University)
Ashvin Vishwanath: Creating and probing non-Abelian topological order on a quantum processor
Ke Wang: "Correlated Superconducting and Insulating States in Twisted Trilayer Graphene Moire of..."